A Magyar Szabadság Éve

Buenos Aires


















Abu Dhabi

Madrid: memorial inauguration, ceremonial reception, awarding decorations

Zürich: welcome speech at the gala concert in the Tonhalle Concert Hall

Washington: Gala Dinner

Warsaw: the play titled Tóth Ilonka debuts at the National Theatre of Warsaw

Vienna: concert of the Budapest Symphony Orchestra at the Konzerthaus, conducted by Tamás Vásáry

The Hague: Commemoration at the Kloosterkerk (Cloister Church) of The Hague

The Hague: concert and a gala reception of the Hungarian Embassy at the Spaansche Hof in

Sao Paolo: commemoration of October 23rd at the Colégio Santo Américo (Szent Imre Kollégium) of Saão Paulo

Rome: ceremonial reception

Prague: Commemorating concert for 1956 and a national ceremonial reception at the Obecny Dum (performing: Muzsikás-Allegro Barbaro)

Ottawa: Commemorating program (the gathering of the Canadian Hungarian community of 1956, the performance of the Csillagszeműek: Hungarian Children Folk Dance and Music Ensemble at the Canadian Museum of History)

München: Bavarian parliament (Landtag) to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the 1956

London: Grand Commemoration for 1956 in the Guildhall

Krakow: Gala reception

Graz: Piano concert (Ránki Dezső - Klukon Edit zongora) at the Alte Universität

Edmonton, Canada: Hungary 1956-2016 Cultural Festival

Dublin: reception

Brussels: Gala concert and reception

Brussels: meeting of the European Council

Brussels: commemoration and thematic exhibition at the European Parliament (Yehudi Menuhin Hall)

Bratislava: International Historian Conference on 1956

Bern: Gala reception

Berlin: The main event of the commemorations for 1956 at the Konzerthausban, (Budapest Symphony Orchestra conducted by Gergely Vajda)

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Concert of the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by János Kovács, Katowice

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Concert of the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by János Kovács, Bydgoszcz

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Concert of the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by János Kovács, Wroclaw

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Concert of the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by János Kovács, Warsaw

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Concert of the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by János Kovács, Krakkow

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Concert of the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by János Kovács, Kosice

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Concert of the Danubia Orchestra Obuda and János Balázs, Paris

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Dezső Ránki and Edit Klukon’s piano recital, Graz

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 István Pál "Szalonna" and his Band - Hungarian traditional folk music, Sofia

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 István Pál "Szalonna" and his Band - Hungarian traditional folk music, Rome

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 István Pál "Szalonna" and his Band - Hungarian traditional folk music, Munich

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Concert of the Pannon Philharmonic, Zagreb

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Concert of the Pannon Philharmonic and Gergely Bogányi, Beograd

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Concert of the Pannon Philharmonic and Gergely Bogányi, Sarajevo

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Concert of the Pannon Philharmonic and Gergely Bogányi, Osijek

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Concert of the Pannon Philharmonic and Gergely Bogányi, Lljubljana

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Muzsikás Folk Ensemble and Balázs Fülei - Allegro Barbaro, Prague

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Muzsikás Folk Ensemble and Balázs Fülei - Allegro Barbaro, London

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Concert of the Hungarian Radio Symphonic Orchestra, Brussels

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Concert of the Hungarian Radio Symphonic Orchestra and Tamás Vásáry, Wien

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Concert of the Hungarian Radio Symphonic Orchestra and Tamás Vásáry, Genf

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Concert of the Hungarian Radio Symphonic Orchestra and Tamás Vásáry, Zürich

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Concert of the Hungarian Radio Symphonic Orchestra and Tamás Vásáry, Berlin

Freedom First - Remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Spanish-Hungarian chamber concert in Madrid

A Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar koncertje Katowicében

A Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar koncertje Bydgoszczban

A Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar koncertje Szczecinben

A Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar koncertje Wroclawban

A Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar koncertje Varsóban

A Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar koncertje Krakkóban

A Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar koncertje Kassán

A Pannon Filharmonikusok koncertje Szarajevóban

A Pannon Filharmonikusok koncertje Zágrábban

A Pannon Filharmonikusok koncertje Ljubljanában

Az Óbudai Danubia Szimfonikus Zenekar koncertje Párizsban

Pál István „Szalonna” és bandája koncertje Szófiában

Ránki Dezső és Klukon Edit zongorakoncertje Grazban

Pál István "Szalonna" és bandája koncertje Rómában

Pál István "Szalonna" és bandája koncertje Münchenben

Szabadi Vilmos (hegedű), Palojtay János (zongora), Justo Sanz (klarinét) és Luis-Fernando Perez (zongora) koncertje Madridban

A Muzsikás együttes és az Allegro Barbaro fellépése Prágában

A Muzsikás együttes fellépése Londonban

A Magyar Rádió Szimfonikus Zenekarának fellépése Bécsben

A Magyar Rádió Szimfonikus Zenekarának fellépése Brüsszelben

A Magyar Rádió Szimfonikus Zenekarának fellépése Genfben

A Magyar Rádió Szimfonikus Zenekarának fellépése Zürichben

A Magyar Rádió Szimfonikus Zenekarának fellépése Berlinben
